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Thursday, March 18, 2010
Japanese Dictionary

Ninjutsu Japanese Dictionary
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Translation of all the basic Japanese Ninjutsu words in one place just for you. You are advised to spend couple of minutes on these before attending your class. Off you go & good luck!

Japanese Words


Ichi - One
Ni - Two
San - Three
Shi - Four
Go - Five
Roku - Six
Shichi - Seven
Hachi - Eight
Ku - Nine
Ju - Ten


Aite - Opponent
Anatoshi - Trapping
Ashiko - Foot Band
Ate - Strike


Bajutsu - Horsemanship
Barai - Sweep
Bisento - Battlefield Halbred
Bojutsu - Stick Fighting
Bo Ryaku - Stratergy
Boshi Ken - Thumb Strike
Budo - Martial Way
Budoka - Student of the martial way
Bugie - Martial arts
Bujin - Warrior spirit
Bujutsu - Martial arts techniques
Bushi - Warrior
Bushido - Way of the warrior


Chi - Earth
Chi Mon - Geography
Cho Ho - Espionage
Chu - Middle
Chunin - Mid level Ninja agent


Daisho - Pair of swords
Daito - Large Sword
Dakenjutsu - Striking, Kicking, Blocking
Do - Way
Dojo - Training hall
Doko - Angry Tiger
Dori - To sieze or capture
Dai - large, big, great
Daisho - the set of katana and kodachi
Daito - longer Japanese sword
Dakentaijutsu - striking body methods
Dan - level or degree of black belt
Deai - initiatory action in combat
Den - legend, tradition
Densho - traditional scrolls (see also makimono)
Deshi - student; disciple
Do - path, road, way; motion; change
Do Jime - choke applied to opponent's sides
Dojo - training hall, place of the way
Doko - angry tiger
Dome - stop; arrest
Dori - seize, catch
Doshin - Tokugawa period law enforcement official


Empi - Elbow strike
Eri - collar
Eri Jime - Collar strangulation technique


Fu - Wind
Fudo Ken - Clench Fist (also known as Immovable fist)
Fudoshin - Immovable spirit
Fudoza - Immovable seat
Fukiya - Blowgun
Futari dori - Held by two opponents


Gaeshi - Counter-attack
Gake - Hook
Ganseki Nage - Throwing the big rock
Garami - Entangle
Gawa - Side
Gedan Uke - Low Block
Genin - Low level Ninja agent
Genjutsu - Art of illusion
Geri - Kick
Gi - Martial arts uniform
Godai - Five elements
Gokui - Secret
Gotono - Using natural elements for evasion
Gyaku - Reverse


Hai - Yes
Haibu Yori - From behind
Hajime - Begining
Hajutsu - Escaping techniques
Han - Half
Hanbo - 3' Staff
Hanbojutsu - Stick fighting
Happa Ken - One handed strike
Hasso - Attack
Heiho - Combat Stratergy
Henka - Variation
Hensojutsu - Disguise and Impersonation arts
Hicho - Flying bird
Hidari - Left
Hiji - Elbow
Hiki - Pull
Hishi - Caltrops made from dried water chestnuts
Hodoki - Escape
Hojo - Bind, Tie up
Hojutsu - Firearms Arts


Iai - Sword drawing
Igadama - Caltrops made of spiked iron
Inpo - Hiding
Intonjutsu - Escape and Concealment
Iri - Enter
Itami - Pain
Iaido - sword drawing way
Iaijutsu - techniques of sword-drawing
Ichimonji - the written character one in Japanese
In - soft, negative, dark, female (yin)
Inton - concealment and camouflage
Iri - to enter


Jo - 4' Staff
Jodan Uke - High Block
Junan Taiso - Body conditioning
Jutaijutsu - Grappling
Jutsu - Techniques
Jime - to constrict, tighten, choke
Jin -man
Jissen gata - real fighting; true fightingforms
Jodan - upper level
Jojutsu -techniques of the stick; stick art
Jonin - leader ninja
Jumonji -the written character ten in Japanese
Jutsu - techniques,school,art or method
Jitte - Anti sword trunchon


Ka - Fire
Kaeshi - Counter attack
Kagi - Hook
Kaiten - Rolling
Kaiten Ken - Open hand
Kakusi Geri - Hidden Kick
Kamae - Stance
Kamiza - Shrine
Kata - Set of movements
Kantana - Sword
Katate - One hand
Kayakujutsu - Fire and Explosives Arts
Kenjutsu - Sword fighting
Keppan - Blood oath
Keri - Kick
Ki - Spirit
Kiai - Focused shout
Kikaku Ken - Head Strike
Kinhon - Basic
Kikaku Ken - Demon horns fist
Kiriage - Upwards Cut
Kiten Ken - Sword hand strike
Ko Ashi - Small steps
Kodachi - Small Sword
Kogoroshi - Finger breaking
Koho - Back
Koho Geri - Backwards Kick
Koho Kaiten - Backwards Roll
Koku - Tiger Sky
Kokyu Breath
Koppo Ken - Thumb knuckle strike
Koppojutsu - Bone Smashing Techniques
Koryu - Traditional
Koshijutsu - Organ and Muscle Striking
Kote - Wrist
Ku - Void
Kudaki - Break or Smash
Kuden - Oral Techings
Kuji - Nine Syllables
Kuji in - Hand Posturing
Kuji-Kiri - Protective grid slashing
Kumiuchi - Grappling and close fighting
Kumitachi - Sword practice with a partner
Kunoichi - Female Ninja
Kusari fundo - Short Weighted Chain
Kusari gama - Chain and Sickle
Kuzushi - Breal opponents balance
Kyojitsu Tenkan Ho - Philosophy
Kyoketsu - Cord and dagger
Kyoman - Observation
Kyu - Grade below blackbelt
Kyusho - Pressure points


Mae Kaiten - Front Roll
Maki - Winding
Makimono - Scrolls
Matte - Wait
Mawashi - Rotate
Mawashi Geri - Round Kick
Meiso - Meditation
Meijin - Master
Metsubushi - Blinding Powder
Meysubushi - Distraction
Men Uchi - Strike to the head
Menkyo - Teacing certificate
Migi - Right
Mizu - Water
Mokuso- Meditate
Morote - Both hands
Mute - No hands
Muto Dori - Unarmed defense against a sword


Nagare - to flow
Nage - Throw
Nagashi - Flow
Naginata - Halbred
Naname - Diagonal direction
Neko te - Finger tip weapons (worn by Konoichi)
Nin - Endurance or Stealth
Ninpo - higher order of Ninjutsu
Nuki Ashi - Sweeping step
Ninki - Specialised ninja tools


Obi - Belt
Odashi - Long Sword
Omote - Outside
Oni - Devil
Oni Gedaki - Crushing The Little Devil
Osae - Press down
Oshigiri - Push cut used with sword
Osoto gake - Great outside hook
Oten - Cartwheel


Randori - Sparring
Rei - Bow
Ryote - Tow hands
Ryomune dori - Two handed chest grab
Ryu - Scool or Dragon


Sakki - Intuition of attack
Saya - Scabbard
Satori - Enlightenment
Seishin Teki Kyoyo - Spiritual Refinement
Seiza - Kneeling
Sempai - Senior student
Sensei - Teacher
Shaken - Throwing stars
Shako Ken - Claw Strike
Shi - Finger
Shihan - Senior Instructor
Shikko - Walking on knees
Shikan Ken - Extended Knuckle Fist
Shikomi Zue - Sword Cane
Shin - Heart
Shinai - Bamboo Sword
Shinken gata - Real combat training
Shinobi - Stealth
Shinobi aruki - Ninja walking
Shinpi - Mysticism
Shishin Ken - Finger Strike
Shitan Ken - Thumb Pressure
Shito Ken - Thumb Strike
Shizen Ken - Natural or Body Weapon
Shomen - Front
Shoten no jutsu - Tree Climbing
Shuki Ken - Elbow Strike
Shurinkenjutsu - Blade throwing
Shuko - Spiked hand
Shuto Ken - Open Hand Strike
Soka Gyaku - Toe Strike
Soke - Grandmaster
Sokki Ken - Knee Strike
Sokuho Kaiten - Side Roll
Sokuho Geri - Side Kick
Sokuho Tobi - Sideways leap
Soku Yako - Heel Strike
Sokugyaku Geri - Toe kick
Sui - Water
Sui Ren - Water Training
Sutemi Nage - Sacrificial throw


Tabi - Traditional footwear
Taihenjutsu - Body Movement
Tai Ken - Total Body Weapon
Taijutsu - Unarmed combat / Skill with the body
Take - Bamboo
Taisabaki - Natural body movements
Taiso - Body Conditioning
Taki Ori - Breaking Bamboo
Tanto - Knife
Tantojutsu - Knife Fighting
Tatami - Straw Mat
Te - Hand
Teki - Enemy
Tenmon - Meteorology
Tesson - Iron war Fan
Tetsubushi - Metal Caltrops
Toamijutsu - Fish Net Skills
Tobi - Leap
Tobi Keri - Leap with Kick
Tori - The one who executes
Tsuba - Handguard on a sword
Tsugi bune - Collapsible boat
Tsuki - Thrust


Uchi Gata - Take down using legs
Uke - The one who receives
Ukemi - Breakfalls
Ura - Inside


Wakizashi - Short Sword
Waza - Technique


Ya - Arrow
Yamabushi - Mountain warrior priest
Yame - Stop
Yari - Spear
Yoi - Ready
Yoko Geri - Sideways Kick
Yoko Aruki - Sideways walking
Yoroi - Armour
Yubi - Finger
Yumi - Bow


Zenpo Kaiten - Forward Roll
Zenpo Geri - Forward Kick
posted by dojocenter @ 2:32 AM  

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Basic Japanese language (kiai), only a couple of minutes on these before attending your class, have a shot! (Click here)